Temperature-ControlledSoldering Stations(AC 220V/60W)
Temperature-ControlledSoldering Stations(AC 220V/60W)
Temperature-ControlledSoldering Stations(AC 220V/60W)
Temperature-ControlledSoldering Stations(AC 220V/60W)
Temperature-ControlledSoldering Stations(AC 220V/60W)
Temperature-ControlledSoldering Stations(AC 220V/60W)


  • China

Temperature-ControlledSoldering Stations(AC 220V/60W)

Alumina ceramic heater, heating fast
Compactt siizze,, hiigh perrfforrmance
UL certified wires and componments
Modular design for quick repair
Lead free process
*China market only. Choose SS-207E(110V) or SS-207B(220V) if you are in other country.

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